2013 SURF Projects

Projects and Papers


Collaborators Projects

Student: A. Spiewak

A Life Cycle Approach to Chemistry Laboratories at the University of New 51¶ºÄÌ
Paper | Poster

Student: K. Cargill

The Identification of Controlled Substances by TLC-SERS
Paper | Poster

Student: S. Alpizar

Investigation of Metal Ions as Polymerase Chain Reaction Inhibitors in Indoor Carpet Backing Samples for Forensic DNA Analysis
Paper | Poster

Student: T. Cowan

Development of a Modular Multi-Task ROV for Marine Biology Education Paper | Poster

Student: M. Mierzejewski

Proposal for Investigating the Antimicrobial Properties of Propolis, Royal Jelly and Honey Against Bacteria of Clinical Significance and Comparing Their Effectiveness to that of Common Antibiotics

Student: M. Dorrico

An Investigation on Plastic Pollution in New 51¶ºÄÌ Harbor

Student: S. Li

Total Laboratory Synthesis of Cadioloides

Student: L. Kircher

The Effects of High Tidal Distribution on the Circatidal Behavior of Atlantic Fiddler Crab

Student: C. Ruiz / M. Ciarletto

The Feeling of Sound: A Study of the Interaction Between Audio and Haptic Technology
Paper | Poster

Student: K. Fowble

Bullet Comparison and Identification Through Castings
Paper | Poster

Student: S. Gurr

Assessment of High Marsh Occupation by Populations of the Fiddler Crab Uca pugnax Across Salt Marsh System on the CT Shore

Student: D. Perry

Climate Change and Its Effect on the Reproduction of the Salt Marsh Snail Melampus bidenatatus
Paper | Poster

Student: C. Kling

The Effect of Novel Antimicrobials on Borellia burgdorferi

Student: J. Pinder

Capability Testing of the University of New 51¶ºÄÌ uPrint® Rapid Prototyping Machine (3-D Printer)

Student: J. M. Kubala

Amplification of Homochirality in Prebiotic Chemical Systems: Computation Models of Thermal Cycling

Student: J. Norstog

The Metabolic Costs of Osmoregulation in a Curyhaline Fish
Paper | Poster

Student: R. Willick

University of New 51¶ºÄÌ Building Energy Benchmarking Campus Buildings

Student: J. Zielinski

University of New 51¶ºÄÌ On-Campus Waste Programs Research, Assessment, and Engagement
Paper | Poster

Student: W. Putnam

Expanding the Overall Efficiency of Tomorrow's Data Centers Through Processor Optimization

Student: J. Imperato

Detection of Mutations in the PAH, NF-1, and BRCA1 Genes