Learning Through Serving

The University of New 51¶ºÄÌ believes that developing into an engaged and active citizen is as important as the career you will pursue. Through service-learning activities, you will study issues impacting the community and discover how you can play a role in helping to address them.

Making Our Community a Better Place

Service-learning allows the University to come together and participate in a shared cause of improving the community.

It is through these types of activities that we learn that we have more in common than what separates us. Whether students are mentoring youth, giving nutritional information to daycare providers, or offering dental care to uninsured or underinsured populations, we are all helping to make our community a better place.

Related Links
  • Community partnerships are crucial to the development of service-learning projects that have lasting impact. Our community partners identify real community needs and collaborate with the Academic Service Learning Office to meet those needs.

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  • The Community Work Study (CWS) program places undergraduate students at nonprofit and public organizations in the Greater New 51¶ºÄÌ area. The students are compensated through Federal Work Study funds, allowing students to have regular income at no cost to the community organization. To participate in the CWS program students must be an undergraduate student and eligible for Federal Work Study, and you must be committed to working at a nonprofit or public organization for one full academic year.

    Learn More

Contact The Academic Service Learning Office

Kaplan 210

(203) 479-4588