How the Center for Student Success Helps

The Center for Student Success aims to provide support, resources, and advising assistance for all students at the University of New 51¶ºÄÌ.

Academic Advising

Our Student Success Advisors are eager to work one-on-one with your students to help set personal and academic goals that will contribute to their success, Success Advisors motivate students to reach their full potential. By working individually with one of our advisors, students can develop skills and strategies to overcome academic challenges if and when they arise.

  • Explore Life Goals: Help students clarify their values and goals.

    Explore Educational and Career Goals: Lead students to better understand that nature and purpose of higher education.

    Provide Information on Academic Program: Provide accurate information about educational options, policies, and procedures.

    Selection of Courses/Electives and Plan Course Schedule: Plan an educational program consistent with a student’s interests and abilities.

    Connect to Campus Resources: Integrate the many resources of the university to meet the student’s special educational needs and aspirations.

  • Help students define and develop realistic goals.

    Identify special needs.

    Match students’ needs with available resources and make appropriate referrals.

    Assist students with planning programs consistent with their abilities and interests.

    Monitor students’ progress.

    Discuss linkage between academic preparation and the world of work.

  • Gather all relevant decision-making information.

    Clarify personal values and goals.

    Become knowledgeable about college programs, policies, procedures and requirements, i.e. add/drop deadlines, graduation, and general education requirements.

    Accept responsibility for decisions.

  • Schedule a meeting with your academic advisor.

    Make arrangements to take care of any alerts you may have on your account.

    Review your degree audit and consider classes for next semester.

    Outline a tentative course schedule to review with your advisor.

    Bring copies of important documents declaration/change of major/program forms and/or minor forms.

    Brainstorm potential questions to ask your academic advisor.

    Arrive on time for your appointment.

    Call to reschedule if you cannot make the appointment.

  • Call or email your advisor to schedule an appointment.

    Arrive on time for your appointment.

    Call to reschedule if you cannot make the appointment.

    Prepare potential questions to ask your academic advisor.

    Share your education and career goals.



Student Success Advising

Your appointment with a coach is tailored to YOU: your interests, grades, goals, and talents. Whether you're tackling current academic struggles or seeking ways to enhance your learning experiences at the University of New 51¶ºÄÌ, your Success Advisor will help you maximize your options. Success Advisors are here to help you make the most of your first-year experience. Working with your success coach, you will create a personalized plan that can include any of the following



First-Year Students Month-by-Month

Certain times during the academic year tend to be universally challenging to students. Those who understand the ups and downs of the first college year are better able to help students negotiate the challenges of transitioning to college. Below are some typical adjustment issues faced throughout the first year.

  • Excitement

    Testing new-found freedom.

    Frequent calls and visits home.

    Homesickness and loneliness.

    Anxiety about roommates, professors, classes.

    First exams.

  • Roommate problems begin to arise.

    Students begin to question: "Do I fit in here?"

    First test grades returned.

    Midterm exams.

    Love relationships from home remain strong, or fall apart (this is usually the time high school sweet hearts break up).

    Consequences of decision-making are experienced.

  • Midterm grades returned.

    Roommate challenges become more clear.

    Many exams and papers due before Thanksgiving.

    Excitement and/or anxiety regarding going home for Thanksgiving.

    First series of campus-wide illness (cold, flu, strep, etc.)

  • Anxiety over preparing for finals.

    Excitement and/or anxiety regarding going home for the holidays.

    Sadness about leaving new friendships and/or love relationships.

  • "Fresh Start" mentality sets in with new term.

    Satisfaction and/or disappointment with fall term grades.


    Loneliness for love relationship back home.

    Relief being away from home and back at school.

  • Feelings of claustrophobia and depression set in with winter.

    Potential increase in alcohol and other substance abuse.

    Challenges with love relationship back home.

    Valentine’s Day brings out loneliness and isolation.

  • Anxiety regarding finding roommate(s) for next year.

    Excitement and/or disappointment regarding Spring Break plans.

    Midterm exam stress.

    Concern over summer employment.

    Concern over winter weight gain.

  • Excitement with arrival of spring.

    Concern over declaring major.

    End of semester pressure.

  • Final exam anxiety.

    Apprehension about returning home for summer.

    Sadness over leaving new friendships and/or love relationships at school.

    Realization of how college influences life decisions.


    Missing family birthday and holiday celebrations.

    Missing participation in family traditions.

    Some involvement with family is maintained, but students expect their desire for complete freedom to be respected.

Citation: Mullendore, R.H., & Hatch, C. (2000). Helping your first-year college student succeed: A guide for parents. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition.



Students on Probation

Many students experience some form of academic difficulty during their college career. For some students, they may simply struggle through a class or two or through a single term. For others, academic difficulty may be more severe and/or long lasting. Whatever the situation, there are many ways you can make connections with staff, faculty and fellow students that may help you overcome the difficulties you have been experiencing.

As a student on academic probation, the two most important steps you can take, are to gain as much information as possible about your individual academic situation and based on this information develop a plan to return to good academic standing in the following semester. This is the time to do the following:

  • assess the severity of your grade point average deficit.
  • know what courses you should be taking (or retaking).
  • be aware of the grades needed to clear probationary status.
  • meet with a Success Advisor on a regular basis.

This website is designed to provide you with some of the most important information you will need to evaluate the circumstances that lead to academic difficulty and introduce you to some strategies that may help you improve your academic performance. This site is not intended to replace individual Success Advising.



First-Year Seminars

The First-Year Seminar is a course on the college student. It has been intentionally designed for the purpose of promoting your success—both in college and in life after college—by fostering the development of skills or strategies that are valuable and applicable across subjects (transferable, cross-disciplinary skills) and across time (durable, lifelong learning skills). *

Please come back to view the sections for Fall 2017. Previous topics have included:

  • Foundations for Success.
  • Discovering Majors & Careers.
  • Leadership Education.
  • Pathways to Success.

* Taken from Joe Cuseo "Sample Syllabus for the First-Year Seminar"



Transfer Resources

The Center for Student Success is designed to empower incoming transfer students to become engaged and confident learners by providing a supportive community and exceptional educational experiences.

The Center for Student Success assists transfer students in a variety of ways and recognizes that new responsibilities and expectations can be overwhelming. Take a look at the resources available to you specifically as transfers as well as get to know how to take advantage of the resources of the University of New 51¶ºÄÌ.


  • The University of New 51¶ºÄÌ offers special programs for transfer students. Our Welcome Week activities during the Fall semester are great because they allow you to meet others who are in a situation similar to your own. It may be especially easy to bond with those who, like you, have moved on from another school.

  • It's important to see an academic adviser upon arriving at the University of New 51¶ºÄÌ. Being a transfer student means dealing with some unique academic circumstances. Perhaps you want to file a petition so that credits you've earned at another school can count at your new institution. Maybe you're not fully aware of general education requirements. Whatever the situation, an adviser can help.

  • Peers who have been at a school from the onset of their college careers may have already established important bonds with professors and other university officials. Because you're new on campus, you'll want to be proactive in meeting and getting to know instructors and staff. Pay particular attention to faculty in your major by participating in class and utilizing office hours.

  • Peers who have been at a school from the onset of their college careers may have already established important bonds with professors and other university officials. Because you're new on campus, you'll want to be proactive in meeting and getting to know instructors and staff. Pay particular attention to faculty in your major by participating in class and utilizing office hours.

  • Huge events on campus are great, but it's often easier to make friends in smaller, more intimate settings. Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) provide the perfect opportunity for you to connect with others who share your hobbies or interests. The University of New 51¶ºÄÌ offers a plethora of clubs and organizations. Join at least one group, but consider multiple clubs if your schedule allows.

  • A Success Advisor can help you with adjusting to the University of New 51¶ºÄÌ, assist with time management, study skills, learning styles and much more! Your success coach is here to help you become academically excellent!