Wai-Lun Lam, Ph.D.

Wai-lun Lam Headshot

Mathematics and Physics Department
College of Arts and Sciences

Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
M.S. Mathematics, New York University
B.S. Chemistry, Mathematics, Philosophy (minor), St. Francis College NY

About Wai-Lun

My main research interests lie at the intersection of statistics, stochastic processes, financial mathematics and differential geometry, with a particular focus on optimal stopping problems and diffusion process on compact Riemannian manifolds.

During my Ph.D. studies, I have had the privilege of contributing to a cutting-edge project over the past couple of years, which applies neural networks to virus enumeration in computer vision technology. This innovative research has involved developing computer algorithms to enhance image analysis, thereby improving the accuracy and efficiency of virus detection and quantification.