Mario Thomas Gaboury, J.D., Ph.D.

Mario Gaboury Headshot

Vice President for Government Affairs and Global Engagement

J.D., Georgetown University Law Center

Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University

M.A., University of Maryland

B.A., University of Connecticut

About Mario

Mario Thomas Gaboury, J.D., Ph.D., is Dean of the Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences. He is also Special Assistant to the President for Global Alliances. Dr. Gaboury is formerly Deputy Director, Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice. He has four decades of professional, government, and academic experience.

From June 2019 through December 2021 Dr. Gaboury served as Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for academic affairs. As Chief Academic Officer he oversaw the University’s academic programs delivered through its four colleges and one school, and those offered at remote locations, including Prato, Italy, and previously Albuquerque, NM. He oversaw Institutional Accreditation and Assessment; Information Technology; Institutional Research; Grants and Sponsored Projects; Digital Learning; the Center for Teaching Excellence; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging initiatives; Study Abroad; the Honors Program; and the Library. He was appointed the University’s Chief Strategy Officer in 2019 and was responsible for the refinement and implementation of the University’s strategic planning during his time as Interim Provost.

Dr. Gaboury joined the full-time faculty of criminal justice in 1996. He is a tenured Professor of Criminal Justice. He previously served as Associate Dean of the College and as Chair of the Department of Criminal Justice. He held the Oskar Schindler Humanities Foundation Endowed Professorship from 2007-2009, focusing his work on global human trafficking. As Dean he directs a variety of programs in Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, Forensic Technology, Investigations, National Security, International Affairs, Public Administration, Homeland Security, Emergency Management, Fire Science, and Fire Protection Engineering. He also oversees a number of centers and institutes that cover areas such as Forensic Science, Analytics, Cyber Crime, Trafficking in Persons, International Justice and Security, Wildlife Forensics, Youth Justice, and Social Justice.

Dr. Gaboury was a gubernatorial appointee on the Connecticut Victims’ Rights Enforcement Advisory Commission and serves on the Connecticut Human Trafficking Council. He served twice on the Advisory Board to the CT Office of the Victim Advocate. He is formerly Chair of the CT Bar Association’s Victims Committee and Vice-Chair of the American Bar Association’s Crime Victim Committee. Dr. Gaboury was founding President of the American Society of Victimology. His research focuses on Victimology, victims’ rights, global human trafficking, victim impact education, restorative justice, and community policing. His scholarly articles have appeared in the following journals: Victims and Offenders; Forensic Nursing, Offender Rehabilitation; Comprehensive Psychiatry; Traumatic Stress; International Perspectives on Victimology and, Child and Youth Services. He is co-author of Crime Victim Right and Remedies (2010, 2nd Edition) ().

Recently Published Books and Articles

Tobolowsky, P., Beloof, D.E., Gaboury, M., Jackson, A., & Blackburn, A. (2016) Crime Victim Right and Remedies, (3rd Edition). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. ()

Sedelmaier, C.M. and Gaboury, M.T. (2015) Administering a victim impact curriculum to inmates: a multi-site replication. Criminal Justice Studies, Volume 28, Issue 2, pages 226-238. ()

Palmbach, T., Blom, J., Hoynes, E., Primorac, D. and Gaboury, M. (2013) Utilizing DNA analysis to combat the world wide plague of present day slavery trafficking in persons. Croatian Medical Journal, 54, pp. 4-9.

Stratton, K. J., Aggen, S. H., Richardson, L. K., Acierno, R., Kilpatrick, D. G., Gaboury, M. T., Tran, T. L., Trung, L. T., Tam, N. T., Tuan, T., Buoi, L. T., Ha, T. T., Thach, T. D., & Amstadter, A. B. (2013). Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) in a sample of Vietnamese adults.  Comprehensive Psychiatry, 54 (4), 398-405.

Moynihan, B. and Gaboury, M.T., Human Trafficking - Modern Day Slavery, (2013) In Hammer, R., Moynihan, B., Pagliaro, E., Forensic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice (2nd Edition), Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Gaboury, M.T. and Ruth-Heffelbower, D. (2010) Innovations in Correctional Settings. In Dussich, J. and Schellenberg, J. (Eds.) The Promise of Restorative Justice. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.; Boulder, Colorado, In Press

Tobolowsy, P., Gaboury, M., Jackson, A., & Blackburn, A. (2010) Crime Victim Right and Remedies, (2nd Edition). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. (

Amanda B. Amstadter, Ron Acierno, Lisa K. Richardson, Dean G. Kilpatrick, Daniel F. Gros, Mario T. Gaboury, Trinh Luong Tran, Lam Tu Trung, Nguyen Thanh Tam, Tran Tuan, La Thi Buoi, Tran Thu Ha, Tran Duc Thach, Sandro Galea (2009) Posttyphoon Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a Vietnamese Sample, Journal of Traumatic Stress, Vol. 22, No. 3, June 2009, pp. 180-188 [NIMH NIMS Number 129664].

Acierno, R., Amstadter, A., Gros, D., Richardson, L., Kilpatrick, D., Tran, T., Trung, L., Tam, N., Tuan, T., Buoi, L., Ha, T., Thach, T., Seymour, A., Gaboury, M., & Galea, S. (2009) A pre-/post disaster epidemiological study of mental health functioning in Vietnam's Da Nang Province following typhoon Xangsane, International Perspectives on Victimology, 4, 1, 78-85.

Gaboury, M.T., Sedelmaier, C.M., Monahan, L., and Monahan, J. (2008)  A preliminary evaluation of behavioral outcomes in a corrections-based Victim Awareness Program for Offenders, Journal of Victims and Offenders, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 217 - 227.

Ruth-Heffelbower, D. and Gaboury, M.T. (2008) Restorative Justice in Corrections, in Moriarty, L.J.  Controversies in Victimology, 2nd Edition, Cincinnati, OH, Anderson Publishing.

Moynihan, B., Gaboury, M.T., and Onken, K.J. (2008) Undocumented and unprotected: Immigrant women and children in harms way, Journal of Forensic Nursing, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 123-129.

Gaboury, M.T., and Ruth-Heffelbower, D. (2007) Corrections-based victim services and restorative justice programs, in Moriarty, L.J. and Jerin, R.A. Current Issues in Victimology Research, 2nd Edition, Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Gaboury, M.T. (2006) Victim awareness programs and victim impact panels, International Perspectives in Victimology,  2 (1), pp. 25-41.

Monahan, L.H., Monahan, J.J., Gaboury, M.T., Niesyn, P.A., (2004) Victims' voices in a correctional setting:  Cognitive gains in an offender education program, Journal of Offender Behavior, 39 (3), pp. 21-33.

Courses Taught
  • CJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • CJ 217 Criminal Procedure I
  • CJ 218 Criminal Procedure II and Evidence
  • CJ 221 Juvenile Justice System
  • CJ 251 Quantitative Applications in Criminal Justice
  • CJ 411 Victimology
  • CJ 413 Victim Law and Services Administration
  • CJ450/670 Oskar Schindler Humanities Course
  • CJ 606 Domestic and Sexual Violence
  • CJ 617 Advanced Victimology
  • CJ 618 Crime Victims' Rights and Services
  • UNIV 450/670 Oskar Schindler Humanities Course

In the Media

In the Media

Danielle Wozniak, provost and vice president of academic affairs, Mario Gaboury, dean of the Henry Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences, and Dr. Henry Lee, renowned forensic scientist and founder of the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science, were joined by Senator Richard Blumenthal of CT, to announce federal funding for a new training program training program for investigating hate crimes for state and local police.

In the Media

Danielle Wozniak, provost and vice president of academic affairs, Mario Gaboury, dean of the Henry Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences, and Dr. Henry Lee, renowned forensic scientist and founder of the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science, were joined by Senator Richard Blumenthal of CT, to announce federal funding for a new training program for investigating hate crimes for state and local police.

In the Media

Danielle Wozniak, provost and vice president of academic affairs, Mario Gaboury, dean of the Henry Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences, and Dr. Henry Lee, renowned forensic scientist and founder of the Henry C. Lee Institute of Forensic Science, were joined by U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal of CT, to announce federal funding for a new training program for investigating hate crimes for state and local police.