Leila B. Dutton, Ph.D.

Criminal Justice Department
Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences
Ph.D., University of Rhode Island
M.S., Old Dominion University
B.A., Siena College
Recently Published Books and Articles
Tamborra, T., Dutton, L. B., Narchet, F. M., & Cuevas, C. A. (2021 online). Does setting matter? An exploratory examination of victimization risk reduction strategies among female college students studying abroad. Violence Against Women.
Hines, D. A., Malley-Morrison, K., & Dutton, L. B. (2020). Family Violence in the United States: Defining, Understanding, and Combating Abuse (3rd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Dutton, L. B., Narchet, F. M., & Tamborra, T. (2018). Domestic violence agency personnel’s experiences with and perceptions of the Lethality Assessment Program. Violence and Victims, 33(3), 1-19. .
Dutton, L. B., Tamborra, T., & Pittman, M. (2017). Police officers’ and victim advocates’ experiences with and perceptions of the Lethality Assessment Program. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 30(7), 1023-1042.
Recent Conference Presentations
Tamborra, T., Dutton, L. B., & Narchet, F. M. (2019, November). Risk reduction strategies while studying abroad: Does setting affect the use of strategies and can strategies reduce victimization? Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Dutton, L. B., & Ndrecka, M. (2018, November). Validation of a domestic violence risk assessment tool: The DVS-R. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Dutton, L. B. (2017, November). Police coordinators’ experiences with and perceptions of the Lethality Assessment Program. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Dr. Dutton's main research interests focus on intimate partner violence prevention and intervention.
Courses Taught
- CJST 2206 Victims and Victimization
- CJST 2251 Quantitative Applications in Criminal Justice
- CJST 6606 Domestic and Sexual Violence
- CJST 6621 Animal Cruelty & Interpersonal Violence