R. Laurence Davis, Ph.D.

Laurence Davis Headshot
Professor Emeritus

Biology and Environmental Science Department
College of Arts and Sciences

Ph.D. University of Rochester, Geological Sciences

A.M. Washington University, St. Louis, Earth Sciences

A.B. Washington University, St. Louis, Earth Sciences

About R. Laurence

I am interested in the fields of Environmental Geology, Geology and Land Use, Geology and Public Policy, Hydrology and Hydrogeology, Geomorphology, Resource Management and Energy Problems, Engineering Geology.

Published Books and Articles

Erdman, Jason; Key, Marcus M, Jr.; and Davis, R. Laurence.1997. "Hydrogeology of the Cockburn Town Aquifer, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, and the Change in Water Quality Resulting from the Development of a Resort Community" in Carew, James L., ed. Proceedings of the 8th Conference on the Geology of the Bahamas and Other Carbonate Regions. San Salvador, Bahamas: Bahamian Field Station. pp. 47-58.

Godfrey, Paul J.; Edwards, D. Craig; Davis, R. Laurence; and Gerace, Donald T. 1995. "Opening a ‘New World’ in a Bahamian Wilderness: Ecological Exploration and its Consequences on San Salvador Island" in Proceedings of the 1994 Conference. Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean.

Godfrey, Paul Jeff.; Davis, R. Laurence; Edwards, D. Craig; and Smith, Robert L. 1994. Natural History of Northeastern San Salvador Island: A :"New World:" in the New World. Bahamian Field Station Trail Guide. San Salvador, Bahamas: Bahamian Field Station.

Davis, R. Laurence. 1991. "Introduction" and "How to Use This Bibliography". in Bibliography and Index of New Hampshire Geology. R. Laurence Davis, ed. Concord, N.H.: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services-Geological Survey.

Davis, R. Laurence. 1990. Hydrogeologic Assessment of Contamination at the Moore Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site, Amherst, New Hampshire. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services-Water Supply and Pollution Control Division Report. Concord, N.H.: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Davis,

R. Laurence and Johnson, Calvin R., Jr. 1990. "The Karst Hydrology of San Salvador Island, Bahamas". in Mylroie, John E., ed. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas. San Salvador, Bahamas: Bahamian Field Station. pp. 118-136.

Conferences and Short Courses

1998 Symposium Convener: "Educating the Public About Geologists: Putting the Spotlight on Us." Annual Meeting, Northeast Section, Geological Society of America, Portland, 51¶ºÄÌe

1995 Geological Society of America Short Course: "Coastal Land Loss", New Orleans, Louisiana

1995 Geological Society of America Work Shop: "Geosciences and the Media", Cornwall, Connecticut (by invitation)

1992 Geological Society of America Short Course: "Environmental Applications of Shallow Seismic Reflection", Cincinnati, Ohio

1992 Geological Society of America Short Course: "Environmental/Engineering Geology and Land-Use Planning—An Interface Between Science and Regulations", Cincinnati, Ohio

1990 Geological Society of America Short Course: "Practical Tracing of Groundwater with Emphasis on Karst Terrain", Dallas, Texas

1989 Geological Society of America Short Course: "Planning Hydrologic and Geologic Investigations and Reports", St. Louis, Missouri

1989 Environmental Protection Agency: " Personal Protection and Safety", Dover, Delaware

1988 Geological Society of America Short Course: "Geographic Information Systems", Denver, Colorado

1988 Geological Society of America Penrose Conference: "Geology in the 21st Century", Steamboat Springs, Colorado

1981 National Science Foundation Chautaqua Short Course: "Water Pollution".

1977 Geological Society of America Penrose Conference: "Implementation of Geologic Information for Land Use Planning", Austin, Texas

1976 Geological Society of America Penrose Conference: "The Role of the Geologist in Society", Houston, Texas

Selected Academic Community and Professional Service

1997- Member, Geological Society of America, Northeast Section, Committee on Geology and Public Policy

1996- Member, Bahamian Field Station Scientific Steering Committee

1995- Permanent At Large Member, Steering Committee, Binghamton International Geomorphology Symposia Series

1995- Member, International Blue Hole Foundation Advisory Committee

1993-95- Member, Geological Society of America Northeast Section, Local Committee for 1995 Northeast Section Annual Meeting, Hartford, Connecticut

1992-1993- Member, National Association of Geology Teachers, Organizing Committee for the NAGT/GSA-QG& G Symposium at the 1993 Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, Boston, Massachusetts

1992- Member, Geological Society of America Quaternary Geology and Geography Division Education Advisory Committee

1992- Member, Geological Society of America Northeast Section Education Advisory Committee

1991- Member, New 51¶ºÄÌ Chamber of Commerce Environmental Affairs Committee

1990- Member, Karst Waters Research Institute Advisory Committee

1988-1990- Senior Hydrologist, New Hampshire Dept. of Environmental Services

1970- Present- Head of Nature Programs and Head of Teaching, Camp Pemigewassett, Wentworth, New Hampshire  


Certified Professional Geologist (AIPG) #7105

Certified Professional Hydrogeologist (AIH) #927

Registered Professional Geologist South Carolina (#614), Kentucky (#1993)

Licensed Pilot-Private Pilot Certificate

Certified SCUBA Diver

Wilderness First Aid Certificate

Society Memberships

Geological Society of America

American Geophysical Union

Association for Women Geoscientists

American Institute of Professional Geologists

American Institute of Hydrology National Association of Geology Teachers

Society of Sigma Xi

American Association for the Advancement of Science

National Speleological Society

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