Jestine Philip, Ph.D.

Director of the Pompea College of Business Mentoring Programs
Management Department
Pompea College of Business
Ph.D., University of North Texas, G. Brint Ryan College of Business
Organizational Behavior and Human Resources
MBA, University of North Texas, G. Brint Ryan College of Business
My research lies at the intersection of business management and technology. I am a ‘future of work’ researcher with a specific interest in emerging technologies (AI, virtual reality, robotics) and digital technologies (ICTs, algorithms). I explore how these technologies will affect the future of management within the context of employee/leader attitudes, behaviors, psychological traits, and organizational neuroscience. The interdisciplinary nature of these topics has allowed me to collaborate with OB, leadership, HR, and HRD researchers in the US, Slovenia, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, and biomedical engineers in Spain. I also involve graduate students in my research projects.
Journal Publications
Philip, J. and Winton, B. 2024. From Major Revision to Accept: Strategies for Crafting Effective Reviewer Responses in Contemporary Business Research. Organization Management Journal.
Bunjak, A., ÄŒerne, M., Philip, J., and Trkman, P. 2024. Comparing the Roles of Creativity and Digital Nativity in Predicting General and IT Innovativeness. Information Technology & People.
Islam, S., Schmidt, G., Lewis, A., Philip, J., and Van Dellen, S. 2024. An Application of the ASOA Framework in Gig Worker Social Media Usage. First Monday, (29)9.
Philip, J. and Wong, S. I. 2024. The Paradoxical Leader, Crafting Human Worker, and Robot Teammate: A Commentary on the Future of Leader Behaviors. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 40(04): 101371.
Philip, J., Jiang, Y., and Akdere, M. 2023. Virtual Reality Technology for Workplace Training: The Case for Developing Cultural Intelligence. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 23(3): 557-583.
Parra, E.*, Philip, J.*, Carrasco-Ribelles, L., Chicchi Giglioli, A., Valenza G., MarÃn-Morales, A., and Alcañiz Raya, M. (2023). The Neurophysiological Basis of Leadership: A Machine Learning Approach. Management Decision, 61(6): 1465-1484. *Equal contribution by both authors
Philip, J., Gilli, K., and Knappstein, M. (2023). Identifying Key Leadership Competencies for Digital Transformation: Evidence from a Cross-Sectoral Delphi Study of Global Managers. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 44(3): 392-406.
Schmidt, G., Philip, J., Van Dellen, S., and Islam, S. (2023). Gig Worker Organizing: Toward an Adapted Attraction-Selection-Attrition Framework. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 38(1): 47-59.
Kosmidou, V. and Philip, J. (2023). The Relationship between Non-family Management in Family Firms and Firm Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of General Management.
Philip, J. and Medina, M.C. (2022). An Examination of Job Embeddedness and Organizational Commitment in the Context of HRD Practices. Management Research Review.
Philip, J. (2021). A Perspective on Embracing Emerging Technologies Research for Organizational Behavior. Organization Management Journal.
Parra, E., Chicchi Giglioli, I.A., Philip, J., Carrasco-Ribelles, L.A., MarÃn-Morales, J., Alcañiz Raya, M. (2021). Combining Virtual Reality and Organizational Neuroscience for Leadership Assessment. Applied Sciences, 11, 5956.
Philip, J. (2021). Viewing Digital Transformation through the lens of Transformational Leadership. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 31(2): 114-129. .
Article featured in the University of New 51¶ºÄÌ Summer 2022 Alumni Magazine.
Philip, J. and Aguilar, M.G. (2021). Student Perceptions of Leadership Skills Necessary for Digital Transformation. Journal of Education in Business, 1-13. .
Philip, J. (2021). A multi-study approach to examine the interplay of proactive personality and political skill in job crafting. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-20. .
Philip, J. and Davis, M.A. (2021). Presenting Amazon’s Mechanical Turk as more than just a Data Sample – A Study of MTurker Experiences. The Irish Journal of Management, 39(2): 85-98.
Salimath, M. and Philip, J. (2020). Cyber management and value creation: An organisational learning-based approach. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 18(4): 474-487.
Davis, M.A., Philip, J., and Walker, L. (2019). The Undergraduate Situational Judgment Test: An Active Learning Project for Teaching Selection Tool Effectiveness. Management Teaching Review.
Philip, J. (2018). An Application of the Dynamic Knowledge Creation Model in Big Data. Technology in Society. 54,120-127.
Philip, J. and Salimath, M. (2018). A Value Proposition for Cyberspace Management in Organizations.. Business Information Review. 35 (3), 122-127.
Philip, J., Najmi, H., Orudzheva, L., and Struckell, E. (2017). Work Life Overlap in the Millennial Generation: The Role of Ubiquitous Technology. The Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, Vol. 12(1).