Dikran Meliksetian, Ph.D.

Dikran Meliksetian Headshot
Visiting Associate Professor

Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department
Tagliatela College of Engineering

Ph.D.: Computer Engineering, Syracuse University.

About Dikran

Dr. Dikran Meliksetian is an accomplished Senior IT Professional with US and International experience focusing on software, cloud computing, machine learning, AI. Until June 2022, he was an IBM Senior Technical Staff Member. During his tenure at IBM, he has developed and architected multiple applications, assets and software components.

Prior to joining IBM, Dr. Meliksetian served on the faculty of the at the and and the at . Dr Meliksetian is an IBM Master Inventor and holds more than 50 patents. He has authored more than 30 papers and articles.

Dr. Meliksetian is a Senior Member of the and a Life Member of the .

Selected Publications
  • Lucas C. Villa Real, Bruno Silva, Dikran S. Meliksetian, Kaique Sacchi. Large-scale 3D geospatial processing made possible. In SIGSPATIAL ’19. ACM, New York, NY, USA. Pages 199–208, 2019
  • Rajesh Jaluka, Dikran Meliksetian and Manish Gupta, “Enterprise IT as a Service: Transforming the Delivery Model of IT Services”, accepted for publication and oral presentation Fifth International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets (CCEM) October 2016
  • M. Buco, D. Rosu, D. Meliksetian, F. Wu and N. Anerousis, “Effort Instrumentation and management in service delivery environments”, Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) January 2012
  • N. Zhou, D. S. Meliksetian, J. P. Prost and I. Boutboul, “Optimal Information Gathering Scheme over a Scalable Grid Information Services Architecture”, International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST) April 2006.
  • Dikran S Meliksetian et al, “Design and Implementation of an Enterprise Grid”, IBM System Journal special issue on Grid Computing, Volume 43, Number 4, 2004