Christopher Martinez, Ph.D.

Christopher Martinez Image
Associate Professor, Computer Engineering

Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department
Tagliatela College of Engineering

B.S. The University of Texas at Austin

M.S. The University of Texas at San Antonio

Ph.D. The University of Texas at San Antonio

About Christopher

Christopher Martinez received his B.S. degree from The University of Texas at Austin and his M.S. and Ph.D. from The University of Texas at San Antonio. Currently he is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New 51¶ºÄÌ, Connecticut, USA. He has many publications in the area of networks, IP address lookup, and intrusion detection. He has received a Best Paper Award from the 3rd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications. His areas of interest include computer architecture, computer networks, embedded systems, and computer programming.


"On Designing Fast Non-Uniformly Distributed IP Address Lookup Hashing Algorithms." IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. (Accepted February 2009)

"Performance of Commercial Multimedia Workloads on the Intel Pentium 4: A Case Study." Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal, Vol. 35, Issue 1 (January 2009), pp. 18-32.

"An Ad Hoc Adaptive Hashing Technique for Non-Uniformly Distributed IP Address Lookup in Computer Networks." The Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. 5, Number 1, 2007.

"Optimal XOR Hashing for Non-Uniformly Distributed Address Lookup in Computer Networks." Journal of Networking and Computer Applications, Vol 4, Issue 4 (November 2007), pp. 1397-1427.

"Advanced Hash Algorithms with Key Bits Duplication for IP Address Lookup." The Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services, April 2009.

"The Design of Efficient Hashing Techniques for IP Address Lookup." Proceeding for the 31st Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Tampa, FL, November 2006.

"Advance Hashing Techniques for Non-Uniformly Distributed IP Address Lookup." Proceeding for the Third IASTED International Conference on Communications and Computer Networks, Lima, Peru, October 2006.

"Adaptive Hashing for IP Address Lookup in Computer Networks."The 14th IEEE International Conference on Networks, Singapore, September 2006.

"An Ad Hoc Adaptive Hashing Technique for Non-Uniformly Distributed IP Address Lookup in Computer Networks." The 3rd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Orlando, Florida, July 2006.

"Multimedia Workloads Versus SPEC CPU 2000." Proceedings of SPEC Benchmark Workshop 2006, Austin, Texas, January 2006.

"Optimal XOR Hashing for a Linearly Distributed Address Lookup in Computer Networks." Proceedings of Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems 2005, Princeton, New Jersey, pp. 203-210, October 2005.

Courses Taught
  • Digital Systems 2
  • Hardware Description Language
  • Computer Architecture
  • Embedded Systems