Darvin, L., Mumcu, C., & Pegoraro, A. (2021). When virtual spaces meet the limitations of traditional sport: Gender stereotyping in NBA2K Computers in Human Behavior, 122.
Lebel, K., Mumcu, C., Pegoraro, A., LaVoi, N., Lough, N., & Antunovic, D. (2021). Re-Thinking Women's Sport Research: Looking in the Mirror and Reflecting Forward Frontier, 3.
Mumcu, C., Fried, G., & Liu, D. (2019). Buffer zone: Policies, procedures, and reality. Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, 29(1), 86-101.
Mumcu, C., & Mahoney, K. (2018). Use of decision tree model in sport management. Case Studies in Sport Management, 7(1), 1-3.
Mumcu, C., & Fried, G. B. (in print, 2017). Analytics in Sport Marketing. Accepted to appear
in Sport Management Education Journal.
Mumcu, C., & Greenhalgh, G. P. (in print, 2017). Evaluation of Attitudes toward Womens Collegiate
Athletics. Accepted to appear in Journal of Sport Behavior, 40(3).
Mumcu, C., & Lough, N. L. (2017). Are fans proud of the WNBA's pride campaign? Sport Marketing Quarterly, (26)1, 42-54.
Mumcu, C., & Marley, S. C. (2017). Development of the Attitude towards Womens Sport Scale
(ATWS). International Journal of Sport Management, 18(2), 1-27.
Mumcu, C., Lough, N. L., & Barnes, J. C. (2016). Examination of Womens Sports Fans Attitudes
and Consumption Intentions. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 8(4), 25-47.
Mumcu, C., & Kocak, S. (2012). Brand associations of Turkish soccer teams. International Journal of Sport Management, 13(3), 324-338.
Edited Books
Brandao, M.*, Liu, J.*, & Mumcu, C. (2022). Analysis of the Womens National Basketball Association Players Positions with Machine Learning. In C. Atwater, R.E. Baker, T. Kwartler (Eds), Applied Sport Business Analytics, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. (*students)
Mumcu, C., Griffith, N., & Gianchandani, A. (2022). Sport sponsorship. In A. Gillentine, B. Crow & B. Newland (Eds.), Foundations of Sport Management 4th ed. Morgantown, West Virginia: FIT Publishing.
Mumcu, C., Kristiansen, E., & Thompson, A. J. (2021). International sports management. In P. Pedersen & L. Thibault (Eds.), Contemporary Sport Management 7th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Mumcu, C. (2019). Business Analytics in Womens Professional Sports. In N. Lough and A. N. Geurin (Eds.), Handbook of Business of Womens Sport. London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Publishing
Mumcu, C., Trendafilova, S. A., & Thibault, L. (2018). A North American perspective on international sports. In P. Pedersen & L. Thibault (Eds.), Contemporary Sport Management 6th ed. (pp. 396-417). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
Mumcu, C. (2017). An introduction to analytics and data. In G. Fried and C. Mumcu (Eds.), Sport Analytics: A data-driven approach to sport business and management (pp. 17-32). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Publishing.
Mumcu, C. (2017). An introduction to analytics and data. In G. Fried and C. Mumcu (Eds.), Sport Analytics: A data-driven approach to sport business and management (pp. 91-114). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Publishing.
Mumcu, C. (2017). An introduction to analytics and data. In G. Fried and C. Mumcu (Eds.), Sport Analytics: A data-driven approach to sport business and management (pp. 115-129). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Publishing.
Fried, G. B., & Mumcu, C. (2016). Sport Analytics: A data-driven approach to sport business and management. London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Publishing.
Book Chapters
Mumcu, C. (2016). WNBA and Its Marketing Campaigns. In Brenda Pitts (Ed.), Case Studies in Sport Marketing (pp. 117-124). West Virginia: Fitness Information Technology.
Lough, N. L., & Mumcu, C. (2016). Marketing Womens Sports A European versus North American Perspective (pp. 337-350). London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Publishing.
Encyclopedia Entries
Lough, N. L., & Mumcu, C. (2013). Commodification and Commercialization. In David Levinson & Gertrud Pfister (Eds.), Berkshire Encyclopedia of World Sport 3rd ed. (pp. 297-300). Great Barrington, MA.
Lough, N. L., & Mumcu, C. (2013). Sponsorship. In David Levinson & Gertrud Pfister (Eds.), Berkshire Encyclopedia of World Sport 3rd ed. (pp. 1185-1189). Great Barrington, MA.
Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Alay, S., Mumcu, C., Kocak, M., & Korkusuz, F. (2009). Investigation of consumer-based brand associations of Turkish soccer teams. 14th European College of Sport Sciences (ECSS) Conference Proceedings (pp.134-135). Oslo, Norway (June 24-27, 2009).
Presentations Given
Mumcu, C., Xenofontos, A., Pegoraro, A. & Lough, N. (2022). Is Hockey for Everyone? Inclusivity of Hockey and NHL. Paper to be presented at Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference in Charlotte, NC (October 2022).
Lough, N, LaVoi, N. M., Pegoraro, A., Lebel, K., Mumcu, C., & Antunovic, D. (2022). DisruptHERS: A new model for womens sport. Paper to be presented at Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference in Charlotte, NC (October 2022).
Mumcu, C., Lough, N., & Coyner, M. (2021). Fan Segments of a Niche Sport: A case of Professional Fastpitch Softball. Paper presented at Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference in Las Vegas, NV (October 2021).
Mumcu, C., & Lough, N. (2019). Segmentation of Women's Sport Fans: Identification and Motivations. Paper presented at Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference in Chicago, IL (November 8, 2019).
Huang, P., McGinnis, K., Mumcu, C., Suttiratana, S., & Tuakli-Wosornu, Y. (2019). Identifying coach and school characteristics facilitating the development of NCAA wheelchair basketball programs. Paper presented at North American Society of Sport Management (NASSM) Conference in New Orleans, LA (May 29-June 2, 2019).
Lough, N., Guerin, A. N., De Haan, D., McNary, E., Mumcu, C., Newland, B., Peetz, T., Sherry, E., Weight, E., Brown, B. (2019). The evolving business of womens sport. Panel discussion presented at North American Society of Sport Management (NASSM) Conference in New Orleans, LA (May 29-June 2, 2019).
Mumcu, C. & Cakan, E. (2019). Does Olympic Games announcement affect stock markets? A Bayesian Casual Impact study. Paper presented at North American Society of Sport Management (NASSM) Conference in New Orleans, LA (May 29-June 2, 2019).
Mumcu, C. & Mahoney, K. L. (2018). Use of decision tree method in sport management. Paper presented at Sport Entertainment and Venues Tomorrow Conference in Columbia, SC (Mar 7-8, 2018).
Mumcu, C., & Lough, N. L. (2017). Can professional sport leagues successfully market to LGBT fans? Paper presented at North American Society of Sport Management (NASSM) Conference in Denver, CO (May 30-June 3, 2017).
Mumcu, C., Liu, D., & Fried, G. B. (2017). Buffer zones: Policies, procedures, and reality. Paper presented at Sport and Recreation Law Association (SRLA) Conference in Las Vegas, NV (March 1-4, 2017).
Mumcu, C., & Fried, G. B. (2015). Case Study on Analytics in Sport Marketing. Paper presented at Pedagogy Symposium at 13th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference in Atlanta, GA. (October 29, 2015).
Mumcu, C., & Lough, N. L. (2015). How do fans evaluate WNBAs Pride campaign? Paper presented at 13th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference in Atlanta, GA. (October 28, 2015).
Mumcu, C., Fried, G. B., & Mondello, M. (2015). Truly Teaching Sport Analytics. Paper presented at Association of Sport Business Conference in Athens, OH. (March 23, 2015).
Mumcu, C., & Greenhalgh, G. P. (2014). Evaluation of attitudes towards women's collegiate basketball. Paper presented at 12th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference in Philadelphia, PA. (October 22, 2014).
Mumcu, C., & Barnes, J. C. (2013). Evaluating Attitudes toward Women's Sports. Paper presented at 11th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference in Albuquerque, NM. (October 23, 2013).
Mumcu, C. (2012). Test content of attitudes toward female athletes scale. Poster presented at 10th Annual Sport Marketing Association Conference in Orlando, FL. (October 23, 2012).
Alay, S., Mumcu, C., Kocak, M., & Korkusuz, F. (2009). Investigation of consumer-based brand associations of Turkish soccer teams. Paper presented at 14th European College of Sport Sciences (ECSS) Conference in Oslo, Norway. (June 24-27, 2009).
Mumcu, C., & Kocak, S. (2005). Comparison of social anxiety and assertiveness levels of selected university students. Paper presented at 46th ICHPER.SD Anniversary World Congress in Istanbul, Turkey (Nov 9-13, 2005).
Courses Taught
- SMGT 1130 Globalization of Sport
- SMGT 2230 Management of Sports Industries
- SMGT 2260 Consumer Behavior and Marketing in Sport
- SMGT 4415 International Sport Management
- SMGT 4470 Sport Sponsorship Strategy and Sales
- SMGT 4474 Marketing and Public Relations in Sports
- SMGT 6600 Sport Business Toolkit
- SMGT 6610 Strategic Sport Management
- SMGT 6611 Sport Industry Marketing, Promotions & Public Relations
- SMGT 6625 Sport Business Analytics
- SMGT 4450/6670 Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior in Sport
- SMGT 4599/6695 Independent Study