A.E. Rodriguez, Post-Recession Jobs Recovery: a State-Level Spatial Analysis, Pennsylvania Economic Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, Spring 2019
A.E. Rodriguez, A. Ozkul, & B. Marks, Explaining the Impact of Predictors in Rankings: An Illustrative Case of States Rankins, Journal of Business Analytics, April 2019
Rodriguez, A. E., Goldberg, M. A. (2006). Demonstrating the Failure to Discharge Plaintiff's
Duty to Mitigate in a Wrongful Termination Case: an Empirical Approach. To appear in Journal of Business and Economics Research, 4(7). cluteonline.com/journals//JBER/article/viewFile/2682/2729
Rodriguez, A. E. (2001). Measuring the Intensity of Competition Across Geographic
Markets. Allied Social Sciences Conference.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2001). On the Use of Data Reduction Techniques in the Allocation
of Operational Expenses under I.R.C. Section 861: A Structured Approach. International Tax Journal.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2000). Do We Need Competition Policy in an Integrated World Economy?
Policy Studies Journal and Review.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2000). Pitfalls in Merger Analysis: The Dirty Dozen. New Mexico Law Review.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1999). Regulation, Deregulation and Modernization in Latin America.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1999). Is the Exercise of Market Power by Distributors in Newly
Liberalized Economies Preventing Trade Gains? An Empirical Inquiry. Journal of World Trade.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1999). Pitfalls in Practice: An Application to Three Cases. Pennsylvania Review of International Economic Law.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1998). E., El Rol de las Poli´ticas de Fusiones en Economi´as de
Reciente Liberalizacion. Politicas de Competencia y el Proceso de Reformas Econo´micas en Ame´rica Latina Indecopi.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1998). La Armonizacio´n Internacional de Competencia. Poli´ticas de Competencia y el Proceso de Reformas Econo´micas en Ame´rica Latina,
Rodriguez, A. E. (1998). La Competencia en los Paises en Desarrollo. Aplicacio´n de La Poli´tica de Competencia.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1998). Las Leyes Antimonopolio Como Un Obsta´culo al Fomento de
la Competencia. Poli´ticas de Competencia y el Proceso de Reformas Econo´micas en Ame´rica Latina.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1998). Why is Indecopi Focused on Competition Advocacy? A Framework
for Interpretation. Peru’s Experience in Market Regulatory Reform .
Rodriguez, A. E. (1998). Introduction to the Symposium. The Antitrust Bulletin, International Competition Policy Symposium.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1998). Recent Decisions by the Venezuelan and Peruvian Agencies:
Lessons for the Export of Antitrust. The Antitrust Bulletin.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1997). Competition Policy In Transition Economies: The Role of Competition
Advocacy. Brooklyn Journal of International Law.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1997). The Economic Analysis of Mergers. Center for Trade & Commercial Diplomacy.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1997). Competition Policy in an Integrated World Economy: The Lessons
of McBoeing. Price Waterhouse Working Paper.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1995). Limits to Antitrust Policy for Reforming Economies. Houston Journal of International Law, 18.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1995). Economic Liberalization and Antitrust in Mexico. Revista de Ana´lisis Econo´mico, 10(2).
Rodriguez, A. E. (1995). Antitrust & Liberalization in Developing Economies. The International Trade Journal, 9(4).
Rodriguez, A. E. (1994). The Effectiveness of Proposed Antitrust Programs for Developing
Countries. The North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation, 19 (2).
Rodriguez, A. E. (1992). Antitrust in Latin America: Regulating Government & Business.
Inter-American Law Review.
Rodriguez, A. E. (1991). Some Antitrust Concerns of Partial Equity Acquisitions. U.S. Federal Trade Commission.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2010). Honduras, Training Program on Vertical Practices & Mergers & Acquistions. ECONLEX.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2007). Report on the Recent Decision by the Salvadoran Competition Agency Against Gasoline
Rodriguez, A. E. (2006). Report in the Strengthening Staff Capabilities and Building Institutional Capacity
for Effective Implementation of Competition Policy – Capacity-Building Final Report.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2006). Procedures & Operations: Procedural Guidelines..
Rodriguez, A. E. (2004). Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Merger Enforcement Guidelines. US AID.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2004). Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Procedural Competition Policy Enforcement
Guidelines. US AID.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2004). Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Substantive Competition Policy Enforcement
Guidelines. US AID.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2004). Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Suggested Sectoral and Policy Priorities. US AID.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2004). Republic of Mozambique, Competition Policy in Mozambique: An Assessment With Recommendations. US AID.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2003). On the Art of Slaying Dragons: the Case Against the International Competition Network. Competition Law Insight. www.competitionlawinsight.com/regulatory/international-cooperation/convergence-8832.htm?origin=internalSearch
Rodriguez, A. E. (2002). How the illogical and undesirable came to pass. Is it time to pull the plug on the
Telecommunications Act of 1996?. Competition Law Insight. www.competitionlawinsight.com/industry-sector/telecoms-and-media/telecoms-and-us-antitrust--1.htm?origin=internalSearch
Rodriguez, A. E. (2001). Republic of Indonesia, The Economic Analysis of Competition.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2001). Republic of Indonesia, "A Role for Competition Advocacy,".
Rodriguez, A. E. (2001). Republic of Indonesia, "Competition in Markets for Durable Goods" .
Rodriguez, A. E. (2001). Republic of Indonesia, "Distribution Markets as Barriers to Entry,".
Rodriguez, A. E., Jatar, A. J. (1995). Republic of Honduras, A Competition Policy for Honduras.
Refereed Journal Articles
Rodriguez, A. E. Post-Recession Jobs Recovery: A State-Level Sptial Analysis, Pennsylvania Economic Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, Spring 2019
Rodriguez, A. E., Ozkul, A. & Marks, B. Explaining the Impact of Predictors in Rankings: An Illustrative Case of States Rankings, Journal of Business Analytics, April 2019
Rodriguez, A. E., Davis, S. M. (2014). Something Old, Something New: MBA Program Evaluation
Using Shift-Share Analysis and Google Trends. Research in Higher Education, 23, 18. www.aabri.com/rhej.html
Rodriguez, A. E., Lane, S. J. (2013). Income Polarization and Income Inequality in
Connecticut During the Great Recession. International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 2(7).
Rodriguez, A. E., DeNardis, L. A. (2011). Can Allocation by Sortition Resolve the
Connecticut Education-Financing Impasse? International Journal of Education, 3(2).
Rodriguez, A. E., Shapiro, S. J. (2009). A Closer Look at Correction for False Discovery
Bias When Making Multiple Comparisons. Journal of Forensic Economics, 21(1), 97 - 101.
Rodriguez, A. E., DeNardis, L. (2008). Assessing Competition Policy Performance Metrics:
Concerns About Cross-country Generalisability. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 95-106.
Rodriguez, A. E., DeNardis, L. A. (2007). Financial Performance in Connecticut's Municipalities:
A Comparison of Manager, Mayor-Council and Selectman Forms of Government. New England Journal of Political Science, 2 (2). nepsanet.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Financial_Performance_in_Connecticut_Municipalities_Volume_2_Number_2.pdf
Rodriguez, A. E. (2007). Out of Step with Cohort Analysis: the Problems with Plain
and Simple Regression. Journal of Forensic Economics.
Rodriguez, A. E., Shapiro, S. (2007). Risk-Adjusted Performance as a Rigorous Approach
to Removing Subjectivity from Expert Assessments of Suitability. Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis, 2(2). ideas.repec.org/a/bpj/jbvela/v2y2008i2n3.html
Rodriguez, A. E. (2007). Examining the Performance of Competition Policy Enforcement
Agencies: A Cross-Country Comparison. Northeast Journal of Business and Economics, 1.
Rodriguez, A. E. (2007). Does Legal Tradition Affect Competition Policy Performance?
International Trade Journal, XXI(4).
Rodriguez, A. E., Murdy, J. (2006). Anti-Competitive Practices in the Tourism Industry:
the Case of Small Economics. Journal of Business and Economics Research, 4(10). journals.cluteonline.com//JBER/article/viewFile/2702/2749
Rodriguez, A. E. (2001). Examining Unintended Effects from Using the SG&A Intensity
Ratio to Screen Wholesalers. Transfer Pricing Report, 9(21).
Rodriguez, A. E., Williams, M. D. (1993). Is the World Market One Great Pool: a Response.
Energy Studies Review, 5(3).
Book Chapters
Shapiro, S. J., Rodriguez, A. E. (2009). Scheduled Damages and the American Tort Environment.
In John O. Ward & Robert J. Thornton (Ed.), Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Damages: a Trans-Atlantic Dialogue. Emerald Press.
Rodriguez, A. E., Richardson, J. David, Zhang, C. (1998). Trade and U.S. Foreign Policy.
In Geza Feketekuty (Ed.), The Next U.S. Trade Agenda. Monterey, CA: Center for Commercial Diplomacy/Monterey Institute of International
Rodriguez, A. E., Menon, A. (2010). The Limits of Competition Policy: the Shortcomings of Antitrust in Reforming and Developing
Economies. Kluwer Law.
Presentations Given
Rodriguez, A. E., Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference, "A Renewed Appreciation
for Constructed Instruments in Discrimination Econometrics," National Association
of Forensic Economists, Boston, MA. (March 8, 2014).
Rodriguez, A. E., Eastern Economic Association Annual Conference, "Examining Income
Polarization in Connecticut," Eastern Economic Association, Boston, MA. (March 7,
Rodriguez, A. E., "The Impact of Connectictut's Clean Election Law: an Empirical Quick
Look," University of New 51¶ºÄÌ Department of Economics Brown-Bag Series, West 51¶ºÄÌ, Connecticut. (May
Rodriguez, A. E., "Identifying Deliberately Missclassified Employees Resulting from
the Use of Title VII-Related Advice Professionals to Manage Workforce Interventions,"
Eastern Economic Association Meeting. (March 2012).
Rodriguez, A. E., "The Reference Class Problem and Poor Metric Conceptualization:
and their Impact on Policy Debates," Eastern Economic Association Meeting. (March
Rodriguez, A. E., "Beyond Fisher: On the Evidentiary Foundations of Alternative Exact
Tests of Significance," Western Economic Association Meeting. (July 2011).
Rodriguez, A. E., "Analyzing Supreme Court Antitrust Decision-Making: An Error-Cost
Framework," New England Political Science Association, Portland, 51¶ºÄÌe. (May 2009).
Rodriguez, A. E., "Supreme Court Antitrust Decision-Making: correcting Base-Rate Neglect,"
and "The World Bank's Doing Business Program: a Critical Examination," Trends in Global
Business, New 51¶ºÄÌ, Connecticut. (2008).
Professional Positions
Associate Professor, University of New 51¶ºÄÌ. (January 2001 - Present).
Department of Economics
Adjunct Faculty of Economics, University of St. Thomas. (1998).
Research Professor of Economics, Center for Trade & Commercial Diplomacy. (July 1997
- April 1998).
Staff Economist, U.S. Federal Trade Commission. (July 2, 1990 - May 15, 1997).
Provide professional economic services to further the FTC's mission. Review of mergers
and acquisitions. Review of competitive consequences and impact of commercial and
regulatory practices.
Principal, New 51¶ºÄÌ Legal Economics. (September 2006 - September 2013).
Economic services in support of litigation: handled matters of wrongful death, wrongful
termination, race and gender discrimination, contractual disputes and others.
Principal, New 51¶ºÄÌ Legal Economics Economics Group. (November 2003 - September 2012).
Consultant, Office of the Attorney General of the State of Connecticut. (June 2006
- March 2010).
Provided assistant - economic expertise - to the Office of the Attorney General.
Associate Economist, Tinari Economics. (November 2001 - August 2003).
Senior Manager, KPMG. (May 15, 1999 - December 14, 2001).
Litigation support around Section 486 of the tax code. Managed as staff conducting
Transfer Pricing studies, valuation of intangibles and valuation of intellectual property.
Senior Manager, Price WaterhouseCoopers. (June 15, 1997 - May 15, 1999).
I provided expertise in the analysis of liability and damages in litigation. I managed
a team of professionals conducting research and analysis and testified as an expert
witness in numerous instances.
Economist, Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Economics. (October 1990 - June 1998).
Bureau of Economics, Antitrust Division
Staff Engineer, Instituto Nicaraguense de Energia. (September 1982 - August 1984).
provided engineering support to numerous studies and programs in the area of energy:
hydrocarbons, biofuels, and wind energy. Conducted energy audits.
Plant Engineer, E.I. DuPont de Nemours. (May 15, 1981 - August 15, 1982).
Support plant operations of production of one of DuPonts herbicides (Diuron).
I provided economics appraisals of liability and damages and expert witness testimony
in various matters in litigation. I also conducted training of personnel in competition
policy matters. Areas wrongful termination and other areas of discrimination, contractual
disputes, antitrust, regulatory issues, personal injury, matrimonial disputes, inter
alia. (2001 - 2014).
Professional Service
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Business Economics and Management. (2012 - Present).
Refereed submitted paper.
Reviewer, Journal Article, Systems Research and Behavioral Science. (2012 - Present).
Refereed publications.
Reviewer, Journal Article, Empirical Economics. (2011 - Present).
Refereed submitted paper.
Reviewer, Journal Article, Applied Economics. (2009 - Present).
Refereed submission.
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Forensic Economics. (2002 - Present).
Refereed several journal submissions.
Media Contributions
The Diane Rhem Show on NPR. Talk show discussing the Future of Antitrust Law (1999).
Courses Taught
- ECON 1133 Principles of Economics I, 3 courses
- ECON 3310 Game Theory, 1 course
- ECON 4425 Decision Making & Uncertainty, 1 course
- ECON 6629 Business & Society, 1 course
- ECON 6695 Independent Study I, 1 course